Incubation program under Green Schools on “Environmental Education and Sustainable Development” at Shri Mhalsakant Secondary and Higher Secondary School Akurdi, Pune. |

7th September 2022

Incubation program under Green Schools on “Environmental Education and Sustainable Development” was organised at Shri Mhalsakant Secondary and Higher Secondary School Akurdi, Pune. Prof. Savita Laware and Dr. Shankar Laware worked as experts. They educated school children on the basic concepts of environment and pollution. The importance Trees, animals, microbes in our life were explained to them. They were asked to observe flowering plants and trees growing in their school premises and also types of birds, butterflies visiting to these plants. They were educated to draw the pictures or outlines of various plants and birds seen in the campus. The school Principal Sunil Ladake and teachers were also actively participated in training and incubation program.

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